Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Economist Views : 1929 MARKET CRASH PHOTOS

* Breadline in New York City During the Great Depression

Source ::


Anonymous said...

If the next recession turned into Depression, then we all will stand in the Q, to get bread slices to our family...
That will be a pathetic situation in our life.

The 1929 Depression is very bad and every 100 years the Depressions will hit. Which means we can expect the same in 2010 and after…

1 Depression = 5 Recessions

Take care of your future , because the future knows very well how to take care of you and crush you into sands.....

Fear the economy....and live a good standard life...

Anonymous said...

Nobody knows better than myself how nasty depression can be,
and how hard it is to conquer. Symptoms of depression can affect
the mind and body, and drastically impact a person’s life.
Show them that you can listen without being judgmental.
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